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Please remove my threads

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i have worked hard at scrubbing my existence from the site, but I can't remove threads that I started, so apparently only a mod can do that. Since I have been told that my posts were condescending, I don't want to further offend anyone, and it appears that when you are attacked, unless you are one of the "chosen", you are left swinging in the wind. Since my post where I apologized was also deleted (by a mod?) I guess that was a good start.

Jerry Hall:
When and where and to whom were you "condescending"?  I do not remember reading anything that I thought was condescending.

Hmm. I must have missed that one. I haven't seen any arguments/fighting here. Sorry to see you in this position. I have found some of your posts helpful


--- Quote from: desertR on February 21, 2021, 03:24:46 PM ---i have worked hard at scrubbing my existence from the site, but I can't remove threads that I started, so apparently only a mod can do that. Since I have been told that my posts were condescending, I don't want to further offend anyone, and it appears that when you are attacked, unless you are one of the "chosen", you are left swinging in the wind. Since my post where I apologized was also deleted (by a mod?) I guess that was a good start.

--- End quote ---

Hey @desertR thanks saying something.  We want the community to be beneficial for all of our users, so I am saddened to hear our community has impacted you to that extent, for that I am sorry.  Can you shoot me a PM and explain a bit more?  I must have missed something (I do remember some back and forth on a tape measure vs walking off paces and then another post where I vaguely recall the details but believe you mentioned you would rather make than buy something and received a bit of feedback- but I'd like to fully understand your situation please so we can make this a great place for all 250R lovers).  Happy to look into the process of mass thread removal (frankly have not ever done that). 

I received some feedback ? it was not what I'd call feedback, but it's also gone, After I apologized for something that I felt no need to, the entire series got deleted. I'm not going to stay where I'm not wanted, and I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else about this stuff. It's very easy to see whom are the "chosen"here, and I'm not in that group. I've been attacked a couple of times in the past couple months, and just to air on the side of caution, I let it slide, right or wrong it didn't matter, and that is why I apologized, but that fell on deaf ears, as the whole thing disappeared. You are a volunteer, as are the other mods, so I don't want to make more work for you. That is why I have been going thru my posts and removing them but the board won't let me remove the topics that I started, and it says that only a mod/admin can. I don't come on here to be ridiculed, or attacked, and can find other things to do.  Maybe I'll just finish my toy and put it for sale, as it doesn't seem like I have many fans here, i can live with that. I've been a mod before, so I get it. I've been doing this long enough to just say "screw it" Ignore my request, but know that there are holes in them. The only reason I responded at all is my personal email got flagged. By the way, I made a brakeline holder yesterday, took 6 minutes. That is what this whole thing was about.This response took longer.


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